Daffodil Day is one of Australia’s best known and most popular fundraising events. Each day more than 115 Australians will die of cancer. Daffodil Day raises funds for the Cancer Council to continue its work in cancer research, providing patient support programs and prevention programs for all Australians. Daffodil Day helps grow hope for better treatments and more survivors. To the Cancer Council, the daffodil represents hope for a cancer-free future. (Source: Cancer Council).
Early last year, one of my cousins was diagnosed with advanced cervical cancer. It was a bombshell none of us would like to hear. Living in the most remote country town in the Philippines, she refused to travel by boats and buses to get to the mainland for treatment. Relying only on natural remedies and positive attitude with earnest prayers, her health somehow remained stable for a few months. We were very positive and hopeful that she would pull through but last month her frail frame succumbed to this deadly disease.
Today let's say a prayer for those who are battling with cancer.